Monday, April 13, 2009

Katelan and Ben

I just thought I'd throw this picture in.

Coffee Cup

My wonderful husband got me an embroidery sewing machine. So Kristy gave me the idea . I tracked down these cups for Kristy and Kelly and mailed them with jelly beans inside for easter.

Katelan's second mom

Janice and Ed avoiding everyone.

Lukas, June and Marcus

Here's the rowdy egg hunters. Lukas had a blast he's usually the only hunter until this year.

Easter Cupcakes

I tried to do a Lady Bug if you can tell. My advice is never use whipped frosting. It wants to melt.

Pup Cakes

Pub cakes as Lukas would call cupcakes. Katelan and I had so much fun making these. It was good to have her home.

Us with the Deny's

The four of us.

Nite On the Towne

We never take good pictures.

Garage Sale

Our garage sale. Lukas's favorite spot...we never could sale the kid.

Here's Lukas with his Mommy & Daddy on his 4th Birthday. Check out his cowboy boots with his shorts.